Freaking Awesome Adult Activity Book
The Freaking Awesome Adult Activity Book has so much packed into one book! This book contains not only coloring, but also activities in self-care, mindfulness, self-esteem, positive thoughts, and more! Every single page can be colored. Every page is single sided so you can tear them out and hang them up, or if your markers bleed through, they won't bleed onto the next page! The binding is spiral bound so that you can lay the book flat while you're working! You're welcome. This book is great for men and women of all ages! Happy coloring!

I Got This Journal
This 30-day self-guided journal will provide you with the space to achieve your dreams, challenge your unhelpful thoughts, and become the best version of yourself! This book includes an intro section to get you started, and then 30 days of challenges, thought provoking activities, and free write/draw. At the end you will reflect on the last 30 days and all that you have accomplished! Join in on the Mental Health Movement that is sweeping the nation! You Got This!